Your're Cool! Your're Cool!
Together in Peace Share your Ice!
A Cool Baby! Here's looking at you Kid ... ....!
Cindy in Love Cindy in Love with the Cat
101 Kisses Together.... Drop!
Dropping Puppies Invitation
Dal Mouth

Please wait until the page has loaded completely, if you click before the postcard menu on the bottom might not appear.

To send or preview a card in its original size just click on a thumbnail. On the following screen you can fill it out and choose (if you want) a sound to be heard with the card.

The cards can be sent direct to the recipients mailbox. So there's no need for the recipient to pick it up here. Smile

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To the start page Navigate this site with the sitemap dog! Back to the last page
A collection of beautiful photographs of Cinderella the cool Dalmatian, of Davidoff, the horse, as well as of Dalmatian puppies including scenic pictures Great cartoons which you can also mail as a postcard! Funny things Cindy will be happy about your note The Drachenstein Dalmatian, cats, dogs, horses and HTML forum
All about Drachenstein and the Dalmatians Accolades - some very nice Awards this little site has won Related cool stuff about computers and Dalmatians