Dalmatian Dividers Background White Dalmatian Dividers Background Black
Dalmatian Cliparts Background White Dalmatian Cliparts Background Black


Aren't these dalmatian cliparts very decorative? You can use it for your personal homepage as well as for invitations, greetings cards, letters and much more - you can put it for example in each Winword or Excel document.

To download just click with the right mouse button on the clipart you'd like to have, then save it to your disk.


Some of these cliparts are made by myself, but most of them have been collected over a large period of time, some were sent to me via mail by other dalmatian fans. So these cliparts are not property of Drachenstein, although I reworked most of them to provide this nice collection in a good quality to other dalmatian friends. If you use any of the images that you find here, please DO NOT use them for profit or commercial use. If you are the artist of any of the images shown here, please contact me and I will be more than happy to remove the image or give credit to the artist. If you do choose to use graphics taken from here for your own homepage, please grant me the courtesy of a link back to my site.

Thanks for your cooperation and now have fun with these cliparts!

To the start page Navigate this site with the sitemap dog! Back to the last page
A collection of beautiful photographs of Cinderella the cool Dalmatian, of Davidoff, the horse, as well as of Dalmatian puppies including scenic pictures Great cartoons which you can also mail as a postcard! Funny things Cindy will be happy about your note The Drachenstein Dalmatian, cats, dogs, horses and HTML forum
All about Drachenstein and the Dalmatians Accolades - some very nice Awards this little site has won Be smart - send a cool card!